Environmental Research SIA, is a Latvian environmental and public health risk consultancy with its office in the Latvian Academy of Sciences building in Riga. It was founded in 2012 when its principal consultant and Director, Prof. Dr Christopher Busby, came to live in Riga. Prof Busby, whose CV may be seen here, is also associated with the UK consultancy Green Audit which was formerly based in Aberystwyth, Wales but has moved to Bideford, Devon, UK. Dr Busby also has offices in Stockholm. He is a world-renowned expert on the effects of radiation, is on the Editorial board of and is a reviewer for a number of scientific journals. Since 1998 he has been the Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, based in Brussels and has edited a number of its reports.

In the last 5 years, work by Environmental Research has included advising and acting as expert witnesses in several successful court cases in the USA involving damage to individuals and property from radioactive contamination. Other cases involve individuals claiming compensation in US and UK courts for illnesses caused by radiation exposures due to employment. Cases have been brought against companies like Boeing, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron and Shell. In the UK, Environmental Research has successfully advised litigants and appellants in cases brought against the Secretary of State for Defence and the Ministry of Defence relating to exposures at nuclear weapons test sites and Depleted Uranium Gulf War effects.

Epidemiological and scientific studies have been published in the peer review literature. Examples are given below.

Environmental Research has radiation and radioactive contamination laboratories and sophisticated field measuring equipment and is able to make assessments of contamination and advise on levels of risk and methods for clean-up and reducing exposures.

Scientists from Environmental Research and its associates are at the forefront of research into the health effects of internal exposures to radioactive contamination, especially in the case of the contamination of the Baltic sea.

Environmental Research is advising organisations involved in the current move to re-assess and re-Justify, under the EURATOM legislation, exposures of member of the public. This results from new research evidence on the effects of exposures to Uranium and other radioactive contaminants which have affinity for DNA. New and important evidence submitted by Environmental Research includes heritable damage in children after Chernobyl, and epidemiological problems with the Japanese A-Bomb survivor studies.

Recent scientific papers from Environmental Research include:

Busby Christopher. Letter to the Editor on “The Hiroshima Nagasaki survivor studies. Discrepancies between results and general perception.” By Bernard R Jordan. Genetics. 2016; 204(4) 1627-1629

Busby Christopher. Is There Evidence of Adverse Health Effects Near US Nuclear Installations? Infant Mortality in Coastal Communities near The Diablo Canyon

Nuclear Power Station in California, 1989-2012. J J Epidemiol Prevent. 2016, 2(3): 030. http://epidemiology.jacobspublishers.com/index.php/articles/articles-in-press-epidemiology-and-preventive-medicine

Sacks Bill, Mayerson Gregory, Siegel Jeffrey A (2016) Epidemiology without Biology: False Paradigms, Unfounded Assumptions and Specious Statistics in Radiation Science (with commentaries by Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake and Christopher Busby, and a reply by the authors). Biol Theory. 2016; 11: 69–101.

Published online 2016 Jun 17. doi:  10.1007/s13752-016-0244-4 PMCID: PMC4917595

Schmitz-Feuerhake, Busby C, Pflugbeil P  Genetic Radiation Risks-A Neglected Topic in the Low Dose Debate. Environmental Health and Toxicology.  2016. 31Article ID e2016001. http://dx.doi.org/10.5620/eht.e2016001.

Busby Christopher, de Messieres Mireille and Morgan Saoirse (2015) Infant and perinatal mortality and Stillbirths near Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset, 1993-2005; an epidemiological investigation of causation. JJ Epidemiol. Prevent. 2015 1(2) 013

Busby Christopher (2015) Editorial: Uranium Epidemiology. Jacobs Journal of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 1(2)- 009; http://jacobspublishers.com/index.php/journal-of-epidemiology-articles-in-press

Busby Christopher (2015) Editorial: Epidemiology and the Effects of Radioactive Contamination: Time for a New Approach. Jacobs Journal of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 1(1)- 02; http://www.jacobspublishers.com/images/Epidemiology/J_J_Epidemiol_Prevent_1_1_003.pdf

Busby Christopher (2015) Breast Cancer Mortality in Estuary Wards near Bradwell Nuclear Power Station, Essex, UK 2001-1995 . Jacobs Journal of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 1(1)- 06; http://epidemiology.jacobspublishers.com/index.php/j-j-epidemiol-prevent-1-1-005

Busby, Christopher, de Messieres, Mireille  (2015) Cancer near Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station in Wales, UK: A Cross Sectional Cohort Study.  Jacobs Journal of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 1(1)- 08; http://www.jacobspublishers.com/images/Epidemiology/J_J_Epidemiol_Prevent_1_1_007-AppendixA.pdf

Busby C and de Messieres M (2014) Miscarriages and congenital conditions in offspring of the British Nuclear Atmospheric test Program. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 2014, 4:4 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-1165.1000172

Mangano J, Sherman J, Busby C (2013) Changes in confirmed plus borderline cases of congenital hyperthyroidism in California as a function of environmental fallout from the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. Open Journal of Pediatrics Vol 3 December 2013

Busby Christopher (2013). Aspects of DNA Damage from Internal Radionuclides, New Research Directions in DNA Repair, Prof. Clark Chen (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1114-6, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/53942. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/new-research-directions-in-dna-repair/aspects-of-dna-damage-from-internal-radionuclides This had more than 3600 downloads three months after its publication in May 2013.